!python --version
Python 3.7.14
Using a Markov Process to provide insight into inventory management
Kobus Esterhuysen
June 24, 2022
It is important for an inventory manager to maintain inventory at optimal levels for each kind of product. Too much inventory incurs a holding cost while too little inventory gives rise to a stockout cost. This balancing act could be addressed by framing this problem as a Markov Reward Process. This type of framework is intermediate between a Markov Process (also known as a Markov Chain) and Markov Decision Process. Markov Processes may be presented, in order of increasing complexity, in the following way:
In this project we will only investigate the steady-state behavior of the inventory situation. For this we will use a Markov Process, i.e. not a Markov Reward Process. In follow-up projects we will address the aspects of the optimal management of inventory levels.
We need to simulate the steady-state behavior of the inventory situation given the following constraints:
When this Finite Markov Process runs for a while the constraint \(\alpha+\beta≤C\) becomes satisfied. The finite set of states are \[ \mathcal S = \{(\alpha,\beta)|\alpha \in \mathbb Z_{\ge 0},\beta \in \mathbb Z_{\ge 0},0 \le \alpha + \beta \le C\} \]
When the current state \(S_t = (\alpha, \beta)\): - the order quantity is \(C - (\alpha + \beta)\) - there are only \(\alpha + \beta + 1\) possible next states \[ S_{t+1} = (\alpha + \beta - i, C - (\alpha + \beta)) \] for \(i = 0,1,...,α + β\) - the transition probabilities are \[ \mathcal P((\alpha,\beta), (\alpha+\beta-i, C-(\alpha + \beta))) = f(i)\ \text{for $0 \le i \le \alpha + \beta - 1$} \qquad (4.1) \] \[ \mathcal P((\alpha,\beta), (0, C-(\alpha + \beta))) = \sum_{j=\alpha + \beta}^\infty f(j) = 1 - F(\alpha + \beta - 1) \qquad (4.2) \]
We make use of the approach followed in http://web.stanford.edu/class/cme241/.
Figure 5.1 shows the Python classes used with the inheritance relationships between them.
Abstract class Distribution
provides a probability distrubtion from which we can sample. The important methods are: - sample
- provides a random sample - sample_n
- provides n random samples - expectation
- finds the expected value of the distribution - map
- apply a function to the outcomes of the distribution - apply
- apply a function that returns a distribution to the outcomes of the distribution - allows for dependent random variables
A = TypeVar('A')
B = TypeVar('B')
class Distribution(ABC, Generic[A]):
def sample(self) -> A:
def sample_n(self, n: int) -> Sequence[A]: #n random samples
return [self.sample() for _ in range(n)]
def expectation(self, f: Callable[[A], float]) -> float:
def map(self, f: Callable[[A], B]) -> Distribution[B]:
return SampledDistribution(lambda: f(self.sample()))
def apply(self, f: Callable[[A], Distribution[B]]) -> Distribution[B]:
def sample():
a = self.sample()
b_dist = f(a)
return b_dist.sample()
return SampledDistribution(sample)
class SampledDistribution
allows for a distribution defined by providing a sample function: - sample
- provides a random sample - expectation
- finds the sampled expectation of f(X) for some f
class SampledDistribution(Distribution[A]):
sampler: Callable[[], A]
expectation_samples: int
def __init__(
sampler: Callable[[], A],
expectation_samples: int = 10000
self.sampler = sampler
self.expectation_samples = expectation_samples
def sample(self) -> A:
return self.sampler()
def expectation(
f: Callable[[A], float]
) -> float:
for _ in range(self.expectation_samples))/self.expectation_samples
class FiniteDistribution
provides for a probability distribution with a finite number of outcomes. This allows for rendition of the PDF or CDF in a table. The important methods are: - table
- tabular rendition of the PDF - probability
- probability of the given outcome - map
- return a new distribution that is the result of applying a function to each element of the distribution - sample
- provides a random sample - expectation
- provides the expectation of the distribution
class FiniteDistribution(Distribution[A], ABC):
def table(self) -> Mapping[A, float]:
def probability(self, outcome: A) -> float:
return self.table()[outcome]
def map(self, f: Callable[[A], B]) -> FiniteDistribution[B]:
result: Dict[B, float] = defaultdict(float)
for x, p in self:
result[f(x)] += p
return Categorical(result)
def sample(self) -> A:
outcomes = list(self.table().keys())
weights = list(self.table().values())
return random.choices(outcomes, weights=weights)[0]
def expectation(self, f: Callable[[A], float]) -> float:
return sum(p * f(x) for x, p in self)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[A, float]]:
return iter(self.table().items())
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, FiniteDistribution):
return self.table() == other.table()
return False
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return repr(self.table())
class Categorical
allow us to select from a finite set of outcomes with the specified probabilities. The important methods are: - table
- provides a table of probabilities - probability
- provides the probability given an outcome
class Categorical(FiniteDistribution[A]):
probabilities: Mapping[A, float]
def __init__(self, distribution: Mapping[A, float]):
total = sum(distribution.values())
self.probabilities = {outcome: probability/total #normalized
for outcome, probability in distribution.items()}
def table(self) -> Mapping[A, float]:
return self.probabilities
def probability(self, outcome: A) -> float:
return self.probabilities.get(outcome, 0.)
Figure 5.2 shows the Python classes used with the inheritance relationships between them.
Abstract class State
provides the interface for all states:
There are two kinds of states: - Terminal states - Non-Terminal states
class MarkovProcess
implements a Markov Process with states of type S. It has methods: - transition
- implements the transition propability \[
\mathcal P(s,s') &= p(s'|s) \\
&= \mathbb P[S_{t+1}=s'|S_t=s]
\] - given a state of the process, this method returns a distribution of the next states - if the given state is a terminal state, it returns None - simulate
- run a simulation trace of this Markov process, generating the states visited during the trace - yields the start state first, then continues yielding subsequent states forever or until we hit a terminal state - traces
- yield simulation traces (the output of simulate
), sampling a start state from the given distribution each time
class MarkovProcess(ABC, Generic[S]):
def transition(self, state: NonTerminal[S]) -> Distribution[State[S]]:
def simulate(
start_state_distribution: Distribution[NonTerminal[S]]
) -> Iterable[State[S]]:
state: State[S] = start_state_distribution.sample()
yield state
while isinstance(state, NonTerminal):
next_distribution = self.transition(state) #.
#state = self.transition(state).sample() #.
#state = next_distribution.sample() #.
next_state = next_distribution.sample() #.
#yield state #.
yield next_state #.
def traces(
start_state_distribution: Distribution[NonTerminal[S]]
) -> Iterable[Iterable[State[S]]]:
while True:
yield self.simulate(start_state_distribution)
A Transition
provides a mapping from a NonTermina
of S to a FiniteDistribution
of State
of S:
class FiniteMarkovProcess
provides a Markov Process with a finite state space. This allows the use of tabular methods. Some additional methods are: - get_transition_matrix
- provides the transition matrix for the finite Markov Process - get_stationary_distribution
- provides the stationary distribution of being in a specific state - generate_image
- provides a graphical representation of the state transitions
class FiniteMarkovProcess(MarkovProcess[S]):
non_terminal_states: Sequence[NonTerminal[S]]
transition_map: Transition[S]
def __init__(self, transition_map: Mapping[S, FiniteDistribution[S]]):
non_terminals: Set[S] = set(transition_map.keys())
self.transition_map = {
NonTerminal(s): Categorical(
{(NonTerminal(s1) if s1 in non_terminals else Terminal(s1)): p
for s1, p in v}
) for s, v in transition_map.items()
self.non_terminal_states = list(self.transition_map.keys())
def __repr__(self) -> str:
display = ""
for s, d in self.transition_map.items():
display += f"From State {s.state}:\n"
for s1, p in d:
opt = "Terminal " if isinstance(s1, Terminal) else ""
display += f" To {opt}State {s1.state} with Probability {p:.3f}\n"
return display
def get_transition_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray:
sz = len(self.non_terminal_states)
mat = np.zeros((sz, sz))
for i, s1 in enumerate(self.non_terminal_states):
for j, s2 in enumerate(self.non_terminal_states):
mat[i, j] = self.transition(s1).probability(s2)
return mat
def transition(self, state: NonTerminal[S])\
-> FiniteDistribution[State[S]]:
return self.transition_map[state]
def get_stationary_distribution(self) -> FiniteDistribution[S]:
eig_vals, eig_vecs = np.linalg.eig(self.get_transition_matrix().T)
index_of_first_unit_eig_val = np.where(
np.abs(eig_vals - 1) < 1e-8)[0][0]
eig_vec_of_unit_eig_val = np.real(
eig_vecs[:, index_of_first_unit_eig_val])
return Categorical({
self.non_terminal_states[i].state: ev
for i, ev in enumerate(eig_vec_of_unit_eig_val /
def display_stationary_distribution(self):
s: round(p, 3)
for s, p in self.get_stationary_distribution()
def generate_image(self) -> graphviz.Digraph:
d = graphviz.Digraph()
for s in self.transition_map.keys():
#d.node(str(s)) #.
d.node(f"{(s.state.on_hand, s.state.on_order)}") #.
for s, v in self.transition_map.items():
for s1, p in v:
#d.edge(str(s), str(s1), label=str(p)) #.
#d.edge(str(s), str(s1), label=f'{p:.3f}') #.
d.edge(f"{(s.state.on_hand, s.state.on_order)}", f"{(s1.state.on_hand, s1.state.on_order)}", label=f'{p:.2f}') #.
return d
class InventoryState
Next we will study the operation of the InventoryState
class SimpleInventoryMPFinite
Finally, we look at the class SimpleInventoryMPFinite
. This provides the implementation of the problem at hand.
class SimpleInventoryMPFinite(FiniteMarkovProcess[InventoryState]):
def __init__(
capacity: int,
poisson_lambda: float
self.capacity: int = capacity
self.poisson_lambda: float = poisson_lambda
self.poisson_distr = poisson(poisson_lambda)
def get_transition_map(self) -> \
Mapping[InventoryState, FiniteDistribution[InventoryState]]:
d: Dict[InventoryState, Categorical[InventoryState]] = {}
for alpha in range(self.capacity + 1): #alpha 0 to C
for beta in range(self.capacity + 1 - alpha): #beta 0 to C - alpha
state = InventoryState(alpha, beta)
ip = state.inventory_position()
beta1 = self.capacity - ip
state_probs_map: Mapping[InventoryState, float] = {
InventoryState(ip - i, beta1):
self.poisson_distr.pmf(i) if i < ip else #eq (4.1)
1 - self.poisson_distr.cdf(ip - 1) #eq (4.2)
for i in range(ip + 1) #i 0 to ip
d[InventoryState(alpha, beta)] = Categorical(state_probs_map)
return d
InventoryState(ip - i, beta1):
poisson_distr.pmf(i) if i < ip else
1 - poisson_distr.cdf(ip - 1)
for i in range(ip + 1)
{InventoryState(on_hand=3, on_order=0): 0.36787944117144233,
InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=0): 0.36787944117144233,
InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=0): 0.18393972058572114,
InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=0): 0.08030139707139416}
# show value of i also
InventoryState(ip - i, beta1):
[i, poisson_distr.pmf(i)] if i < ip else
[i, 1 - poisson_distr.cdf(ip - 1)]
for i in range(ip + 1)
{InventoryState(on_hand=3, on_order=0): [0, 0.36787944117144233],
InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=0): [1, 0.36787944117144233],
InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=0): [2, 0.18393972058572114],
InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=0): [3, 0.08030139707139416]}
And now the complete loop:
capacity = 3
for alpha in range(capacity + 1): #alpha 0 to C
for beta in range(capacity + 1 - alpha): #beta 0 to C - alpha
state = InventoryState(alpha, beta); print(f'state={state}')
ip = state.inventory_position(); print(f'ip={ip}')
beta1 = capacity - ip; print(f'beta1={beta1}')
state_probs_map: Mapping[InventoryState, float] = {
InventoryState(ip - i, beta1):
poisson_distr.pmf(i) if i < ip else #eq (4.1)
1 - poisson_distr.cdf(ip - 1) #eq (4.2)
for i in range(ip + 1) #i 0 to ip
state=InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=0)
state=InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=1)
state=InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=2)
state=InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=3)
state=InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=0)
state=InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1)
state=InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=2)
state=InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=0)
state=InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=1)
state=InventoryState(on_hand=3, on_order=0)
{InventoryState(on_hand=3, on_order=0): 0.36787944117144233,
InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=0): 0.36787944117144233,
InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=0): 0.18393972058572114,
InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=0): 0.08030139707139416}
Next, we create an instance of the class SimpleInventoryMPFinite
with: - item_capacity = 3 - item_poisson_lambda = 1.0
Here is the transition map:
Transition Map
From State InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=0):
To State InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=3) with Probability 1.000
From State InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=1):
To State InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=2) with Probability 0.368
To State InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=2) with Probability 0.632
From State InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=2):
To State InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=1) with Probability 0.368
To State InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1) with Probability 0.368
To State InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=1) with Probability 0.264
From State InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=3):
To State InventoryState(on_hand=3, on_order=0) with Probability 0.368
To State InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=0) with Probability 0.368
To State InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=0) with Probability 0.184
To State InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=0) with Probability 0.080
From State InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=0):
To State InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=2) with Probability 0.368
To State InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=2) with Probability 0.632
From State InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1):
To State InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=1) with Probability 0.368
To State InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1) with Probability 0.368
To State InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=1) with Probability 0.264
From State InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=2):
To State InventoryState(on_hand=3, on_order=0) with Probability 0.368
To State InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=0) with Probability 0.368
To State InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=0) with Probability 0.184
To State InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=0) with Probability 0.080
From State InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=0):
To State InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=1) with Probability 0.368
To State InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1) with Probability 0.368
To State InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=1) with Probability 0.264
From State InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=1):
To State InventoryState(on_hand=3, on_order=0) with Probability 0.368
To State InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=0) with Probability 0.368
To State InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=0) with Probability 0.184
To State InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=0) with Probability 0.080
From State InventoryState(on_hand=3, on_order=0):
To State InventoryState(on_hand=3, on_order=0) with Probability 0.368
To State InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=0) with Probability 0.368
To State InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=0) with Probability 0.184
To State InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=0) with Probability 0.080
The following diagram shows the states for the case when the capacity is 3. The transition probabilties are also shown.
Here is the stationary distribution of states:
print("Stationary Distribution")
Stationary Distribution
{InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=0): 0.143,
InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=1): 0.148,
InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=1): 0.107,
InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=0): 0.031,
InventoryState(on_hand=3, on_order=0): 0.143,
InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=2): 0.065,
InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=0): 0.071,
InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=3): 0.031,
InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1): 0.148,
InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=2): 0.112}
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
list_of_tuples = [(el[0].on_hand, el[0].on_order, el[1]) for el in si_mp.get_stationary_distribution()]; #list_of_tuples
x3, y3, dz = [list(tup) for tup in zip(*list_of_tuples)]; x3, y3, dz
# x3 = [0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0]
# y3 = [0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1]
n = len(dz)
z3 = np.zeros(n)
dx = np.ones(n)
dy = np.ones(n)
# dz = [0.117, 0.162, 0.162, 0.162, 0.117, 0.279]
ax1.bar3d(x3, y3, z3, dx, dy, dz)
ax1.set_xticks([e+0.5 for e in range(n - 1)])
ax1.set_xticklabels(range(n - 1))
ax1.set_xlabel(r'on-hand inventory, $\alpha$', fontsize=15)
ax1.set_yticks([e+0.5 for e in range(n - 1)])
ax1.set_yticklabels(range(n - 1))
ax1.set_ylabel(r'on-order inventory, $\beta$', fontsize=15)
ax1.set_zlabel(r'probability, $\pi$', fontsize=15)
ax1.set_title('Stationary Distribution of States', fontsize=20)
ax1.view_init(ax1.elev + 20, -200)
Next we visualize how each of the state variables, \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\), evolve over time.
# use stationary distribution for a start state distribution
ssd = si_mp.get_stationary_distribution(); ssd
{InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=0): 0.031120936942690133, InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=1): 0.10660457196659985, InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=2): 0.11244837477707609, InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=3): 0.03112093694269009, InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=0): 0.07128613765604674, InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1): 0.1484160781225697, InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=2): 0.0654423348455706, InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=0): 0.14257227531209354, InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=1): 0.1484160781225697, InventoryState(on_hand=3, on_order=0): 0.14257227531209354}
# create a generator for the states of a trace
gen = si_mp.traces(start_state_distribution=ssd); gen
<generator object MarkovProcess.traces at 0x7ff8924922d0>
[[InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=0)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=2)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=3)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=2)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=2)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=0)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=0)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=0)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=0)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=0)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=3, on_order=0)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=2)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=0)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=0)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=3)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=0)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=3, on_order=0)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=1, on_order=1)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=2)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=0, on_order=0)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=3, on_order=0)],
[InventoryState(on_hand=2, on_order=1)]]
# get a list of numeric tuples from the trace
list_of_tuples = [(state[0].on_hand, state[0].on_order) for state in a_trace]; list_of_tuples
[(2, 0),
(2, 1),
(0, 2),
(1, 1),
(0, 1),
(0, 3),
(0, 2),
(1, 1),
(1, 1),
(1, 1),
(1, 1),
(1, 2),
(2, 1),
(1, 0),
(0, 0),
(1, 1),
(2, 1),
(1, 0),
(1, 0),
(0, 1),
(0, 1),
(2, 1),
(2, 0),
(3, 0),
(2, 1),
(2, 1),
(1, 1),
(2, 1),
(1, 1),
(0, 1),
(1, 1),
(1, 1),
(0, 2),
(1, 1),
(1, 0),
(2, 0),
(2, 1),
(1, 1),
(2, 1),
(0, 3),
(2, 0),
(1, 1),
(3, 0),
(2, 1),
(0, 1),
(1, 1),
(0, 2),
(0, 0),
(3, 0),
(2, 1)]